Main Campus

Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering provides advanced knowledge and research experience in a chosen area of electrical and computer engineering. Successful doctoral candidates learn how to acquire advanced knowledge from published research articles, identify research problems, formulate plausible approaches to solve them, analyze and evaluate proposed solutions, and present technical material orally and in writing.

Emergency Management (CERT)

As part of the Master of Public Administration program, the graduate certificate in Emergency Management provides education and training for the public and nonprofit sectors to conduct scholarly and applied research to advance the field of public administration and serve the community. Specialized training can be obtained in this certificate without having to pursue the MPA master's degree.

Engineering Management (MS)

The Master of Science in Engineering Management prepares professionals for careers in managing projects, programs, systems, and organizations. Industrial, research, consulting, and commercial firms now demand engineering managers with both cutting-edge technical competence and the management skills necessary to forge linkages with the systems and business sides of these organizations. The program of study is multidisciplinary, combining elements of advanced study in various engineering disciplines with studies in business, system operations and organizational behavior. Through a flexible curriculum and concentrations, the program enables concentration areas such as Energy Systems, Lean Six Sigma, Logistics and Supply Chains, and Systems Analytics.

English (MA)

The Master of Arts in English offers concentrations in literature, children's literature, linguistics, English for specific purposes, composition/rhetoric, English education, technical and professional writing and creative writing. We also have a new M.A./M.F.A. dual degree program with Kingston University London (accreditation pending). Our students graduate to pursue successful careers in commerce and education, or to move forward into the very best doctoral programs nationwide.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CERT)

The Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation will give you a strong foundation in entrepreneurship and innovation, skill sets that are increasingly in demand. The certificate will give entrepreneurs (both those who seek to create independent ventures and those seeking to lead innovative transformation within existing corporations) a strong foundation to support current or future endeavors. Coursework in the certificate also provides a foundation that can be used to satisfy graduate business degree requirements in the future.

Epidemiology (PHD)

Epidemiology, a core discipline of public health, is the study of the distribution and risk factors of diseases and health conditions in populations. Our post-master’s Ph.D. program in Epidemiology prepares future researchers and public health practitioners to develop and conduct studies and apply quantitative methods to understand and solve complex public health problems. The program, through its rigorous coursework in epidemiologic and public health methods, electives and teaching experience, prepares graduates for a career in academia, government or industry. Full-time students can complete the degree requirements within 4 years; however, most full-time students complete the program within 5 years, depending on the design of their dissertation research.

Ethics (applied) (CERT)

The graduate certificate in Applied Ethics is of interest to three groups of students: (1) professionals working in areas of applied ethics; (2) students who are beginning to explore graduate work in philosophy; and (3) students in other master’s and doctoral programs, such as biology, health administration, and public policy, who expect their careers to include work in applied ethics.

Ethics and Applied Philosophy (MA)

The graduate program in Ethics and Applied Philosophy aims to deepen students’ understanding and mastery of historical and contemporary philosophical traditions. The student is invited to engage their graduate philosophical training with diverse and pressing societal issues. Our faculty’s research areas, and our close relationship with the Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, together provide unparalleled opportunity for our master’s and certificate students to augment their existing professional skills or train for further work in philosophy or other fields.

Fire Protection & Safety Management (MS)

The Master of Science in Fire Protection & Safety Management?(FPSM) program is a 30-credit-hour program that includes a 15-credit hour core, with the remaining 15 credits chosen from a list of elective courses. A capstone experience is also required, which may consist of a 6-credit hour graduate research thesis or a comprehensive exam at the conclusion of studies.??Courses cover a range of topics including Human Behavior in Fire, Fire Protection Systems, Building Codes, Risk Management, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, Environmental Pollution Control and Safety Management.

Foreign Language Education (MAT)

The Department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 Education offers a 2-phase Master of Arts and Teaching (M.A.T) in Foreign Language Education to address the shortage of qualified foreign language teachers in the United States, and to help prepare future foreign language teacher leaders. Phase 1 of the program (the Graduate Certificate Program in Foreign Language Education) is 16-17 credits and includes a full-time internship in a K-12 foreign language classroom. The program offers a pathway to K-12 licensure in 17 languages. Upon completion of The Graduate Certificate (Phase 1), candidates can apply to the M.A.T program (Phase 2) which involves an additional 14 credits and leads to an M-license. Become the teacher you have always wanted to be and earn a master’s degree in the process.