Test Scores


Most graduate programs do not require a standardized test. 

  • Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
  • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
  • Miller Analogies Test (MAT)

Please consult the Graduate Program web page to determine if the program to which you are applying requires a test.   Note that many programs have policies to waive the standardized test requirement, and that information is available on the individual graduate program's web pages.

Official scores must come directly from the testing agency and must be received by the Office of Graduate Admissions before the application deadline. Scores older than five years will not be accepted.

Exceptions: Regardless of the following two exceptions, the Graduate Program Director of the program to which you are applying, reserves the right to request you take a standardized test and submit official test scores.

  • The Graduate School will not require an applicant to take a standardized test if s/he has already earned a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. from a United States institution.
  • The Graduate School will not require an applicant who has already earned a master’s degree to retake a standardized test if the applicant can demonstrate s/he has completed the test in the past. The Graduate School will accept the applicant’s copy of the official score (a photocopy is not acceptable) or an official university transcript on which the scores are indicated

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

The GRE measures verbal, quantitative, and analytical skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and are not related to any specific field of study. The GRE is administered by Educational Testing Service. Computer-based test centers in the U.S., Canada, and many other countries offer the GRE year-round. In areas of the world where computer-based testing is not offered, paper-based testing is offered. In Charlotte, North Carolina, the GRE is administered by Prometric Testing Center.

UNC Charlotte requires the General Test, so you do not need to take any subject tests.  Make sure you have your official scores sent to UNC Charlotte.  Our school code is 5105. Do not enter a department code.

Cost: $220 for the general test "at-home" and "in-person" in the United States. Costs for subject tests and/or international testing sites vary; visit www.gre.org for details.

Score Reporting: Computer-based test scores are mailed to you and up to 4 institutions approximately 10-15 business days after you take the test. Paper-based test scores are mailed 4-6 weeks after you take the test.

Registration: Visit www.gre.org or call 1-800-473-2255.

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

The GMAT measures general verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills that are developed over a long period of time. It is designed to help graduate schools assess the qualifications of applicants for advanced study in business and management and other related programs. The GMAT is a computer-adaptive test (CAT) available year round at Pearson Professional Centers throughout the world. Cost is around $300, but it varies based on location.  The GMAT is sponsored, owned, and directed by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) and is administered by Pearson VUE. Visit the GMAC website at www.mba.com for additional information and to register for the GMAT. The GMAT customer service telephone number in the Americas is 1-800-717-GMAT (4628).

UNC Charlotte’s School Codes are:

  • DNP in Nurse Practitioner:  5Z3-08-83
  • Master in Accountancy (MAcc): 5Z3-08-88
  • MBA, Full Time: 5Z3-08-27
  • MBA, Part Time: 5Z3-08-51
  • MHA in Health Administration, 5Z3-08-48
  • MS in Data Science and Business Analytics:  5Z3-08-66
  • MS in Economics: 5Z3-08-07
  • MS in Engineering Management:  5Z3-08-16
  • MS in Mathematical Finance: 5Z3-08-96
  • MS in Real Estate:  5Z3-08-16
  • PhD in Business Administration: 5Z3-08-26
  • PhD in Computing and Information Systems 5Z3-08-30
  • PhD in Organizational Psychology: 5Z3-08-01

Score Reporting: Usually received by the school 20 calendar days after your test date.

Registration: Visit www.mba.com or call 1-800-717-4628.

Miller Analogies Test (MAT)

The MAT is a high level mental ability test requiring the solution of problems stated as analogies. It consists of 120 partial analogies administered in 60 minutes. The MAT is intended to measure the ability to recognize relationships between ideas, fluency in the English language, and general knowledge of the humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, and social sciences. The MAT is administered by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. To register for the test at UNC Charlotte, please visit the Counseling Center website. Click on the MAT Logo for test dates, times, and the number to call to schedule a test. Online payment is accepted by credit card once the test date is approved. To register in another city, or for more information, visit www.milleranalogies.com or call 1-800-622-3231.  Cost varies depending on testing site.

UNC Charlotte’s school code is 1370. A department code is not necessary.

Score Reporting: test scores are mailed 2-3 weeks after you take the test.

Test Preparation Courses

Charlotte Online offers review courses for the GRE (General Test) and GMAT. For more information, call 704-687-8900 or visit their website.