College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Gerontology (CERT)

The Graduate Certificate in Gerontology is designed to provide supplementary graduate education in the field of gerontology. This is a perfect supplemental program to any master's degree at UNC Charlotte. Students can work on the certificate and their graduate degree simultaneously and likely double count some courses. Qualifying undergraduates studying at UNC Charlotte may begin as an Early Entry Student. Those with a bachelor's degree may complete it as a stand-alone option. This is also a perfect gap year program for those between undergraduate and graduate work. Those who already have a graduate degree in another field and want to learn more about older adults or those completing a graduate degree in another field who are interested in working with older adults will be able to understand more about the population they serve by completing this certificate.

Optical Science and Engineering (MS)

The Master of Science in Optical Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary program involving primarily five science and engineering departments and two centers (Departments of Physics and Optical Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science; the Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications; and the Center for Precision Metrology). The Program educates scientists and engineers who will develop the next generation of optical technology.

Organizational Science (Ph.D.)

Organizational Science is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry focusing on employee and organizational health, well-being, and effectiveness. Organizational Science is both a science and a practice, founded on the notion that enhanced understanding leads to applications and interventions that benefit the individual, work groups, the organization, the customer, the community and the larger society in which the organization operates.