College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Anthropology (MA)

Anthropology is the scientific and humanistic study of the human species. Anthropologists take a holistic and cross-cultural view of the species, integrating biological, historical, and cultural perspectives. In the broadest sense, anthropologists study what it means to be human. The Master of Arts in Anthropology is designed to meet the needs of three groups of students: (a) the General Anthropology track is recommended for those preparing for doctoral education or for teaching at the community college level; (b) the Applied Anthropology track is recommended for students seeking expanded skills for employment in our increasingly inter-cultural and international world. Applied anthropologists may work in schools, health care organizations, international development agencies, corporations, government agencies, non-profit foundations and elsewhere; and (c) the Medical Anthropology track is for students interested in applied medical anthropology, including those enrolled in the dual degree with Public Health (students receive an MA and an MPH at the end of the three year program).

Applied Linguistics (CERT)

Applied Linguistics studies the 'real-life' particulars of language such as how decisions are made based on language, how people self-identify or deal with one another through language, and how language works in specific contexts. The graduate certificate in Applied Linguistics prepares students for further studies in linguistics as well as careers in fields as diverse as intelligence, forensic document analysis, publishing/journalism, language and information technology, speech therapy, technical copy editing, lexicography and library science.

Biology (MS)

The Master's of Science in Biology program provides the opportunity for broad training in a variety of biological areas as well as specialization in areas of particular interest to the student. The Department offers a thesis and a non-thesis track within the degree. The thesis track is designed for students whose career goals require formal research training. The non-thesis track is designed for students whose career goals require graduate education, but not formal research experience, such as teaching at the community college/regional college level. The program provides the opportunity for broad training as well as specialization in areas of particular interest through the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCD) concentration and the Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology (E3B) concentration. Students in the Ph.D. and M.S. programs have the opportunity to conduct graduate research under the co-direction of a Biology faculty member and select faculty at the Carolina's Medical Center in Charlotte.

Biology (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Biology has as its intellectual focus an interdisciplinary synthesis of the biological sciences and related biotechnology. The program draws upon the strengths of faculty in multiple departments and is intended to serve students with interests in conducting research in academia, industry and clinical settings. Graduates of the program will be well versed in quantitative approaches to Biology. The interdisciplinary makeup of the program is designed to produce graduates who will be able to integrate the strengths of more than one discipline in solving biological problems.

Biomedical Sciences (CERT)

The Certificate will provide students with core competencies or exposure to biomedical sciences to prepare them for professional biomedical schools. Students will choose from course offerings in areas of anatomy and physiology; biochemical principles and metabolic pathways; microbiology, immunology, and infection; embryology, cell biology and development. Students may take up to 3 credit hours of BIOL 6901 Mentored Non-Thesis Laboratory Research providing one-on-one work with a faculty member in an area of interest.

Biotechnology (CERT)

The Certificate is a multi-disciplinary program designed to combine advanced biotechnology course work with activities that develop communication and technical skills that are highly valued by employers in the biotechnology industry. Students will gain practical experience through internships in laboratories on campus or in local industry. A seminar series will cultivate an awareness of ethical, policy and management issues related to the biotechnology industry.

Chemistry (MS)

A Master of Science in Chemistry prepares students for careers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, food and power industries. A master’s degree in Chemistry may also serve as a useful step toward professions such as medicine, pharmacy, industrial hygiene, patent law, or toward more advanced study in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and other scientific and engineering disciplines.

Chemistry and Nanoscale Science (Ph.D.)

The Chemistry and Nanoscale Science Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary program that addresses the development, manipulation, and use of materials and devices on the scale of roughly 1-100 nanometers in length, and the study of phenomena that occur on this size scale. The program prepares students to become scholarly, practicing scientists who possess the critical thinking, methodological and communication skills required to advance and disseminate knowledge of fundamental and applied nanoscale science.

Cognitive Science (CERT)

Cognitive Science is a dynamic, interdisciplinary field devoted to understanding the mind and intelligent behavior. It brings together knowledge and methods from a wide range of disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, and neuroscience. The Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Science provides an introduction to the conceptual foundations and methods of the field, including in-depth exploration of technical skills for analyzing behavior in human and artificial systems. The ability to understand, predict, and augment human behavior is applicable to a broad range of career paths, including data science, healthcare, software and interaction design, government and education.

Communication Studies (MA)

The graduate program in Communication Studies is a generalist program in that students don't specialize in any one area but instead take courses across five areas of interest: Health Communication, Rhetorical/Cultural Studies, Media Studies, Organizational Communication, and Public Relations. The program offers a blend of theory and praxis. Students receive rigorous training in theory and research methods, and they also have the opportunity to explore and deepen their own interests through their elective courses and their capstone project.