Graduate Programs

Biology (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Biology has as its intellectual focus an interdisciplinary synthesis of the biological sciences and related biotechnology. The program draws upon the strengths of faculty in multiple departments and is intended to serve students with interests in conducting research in academia, industry and clinical settings. Graduates of the program will be well versed in quantitative approaches to Biology. The interdisciplinary makeup of the program is designed to produce graduates who will be able to integrate the strengths of more than one discipline in solving biological problems.

Biomedical Sciences (CERT)

The Certificate will provide students with core competencies or exposure to biomedical sciences to prepare them for professional biomedical schools. Students will choose from course offerings in areas of anatomy and physiology; biochemical principles and metabolic pathways; microbiology, immunology, and infection; embryology, cell biology and development. Students may take up to 3 credit hours of BIOL 6901 Mentored Non-Thesis Laboratory Research providing one-on-one work with a faculty member in an area of interest.

Biotechnology (CERT)

The Certificate is a multi-disciplinary program designed to combine advanced biotechnology course work with activities that develop communication and technical skills that are highly valued by employers in the biotechnology industry. Students will gain practical experience through internships in laboratories on campus or in local industry. A seminar series will cultivate an awareness of ethical, policy and management issues related to the biotechnology industry.

Business Administration (DBA)

The UNC Charlotte Doctorate in Business Administration is a launchpad for careers in management consulting or a professorship at a business school. Our three-year program lets you study in Charlotte one weekend a month, while networking with business professionals in America's second largest financial city. It's more than a bullet point on a resume; it's a lifetime achievement offered in one of the fastest-growing business centers in the United States.

Business Administration (MBA)

The Master of Business Administration builds a student's potential for a leadership position in today's complex business organization by developing effective communications, systematic and creative problem-solving skills, confidence in decision making, ethical insight, sensitivity to teamwork and consensus-building, as well as a world view. The MBA program offers an outstanding educational experience for aspiring managers and leaders. With a comprehensive course format, a distinguished resident faculty and a variety of academic concentrations, UNC Charlotte's MBA program offers a top-quality...

Business Administration: Finance (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Business Administration is a full-time research-oriented program, designed to prepare graduates for academic teaching and research careers. The program includes core courses covering all business disciplines, combined with in-depth study in both theoretical and empirical aspects of finance. Students admitted to the finance program minor in economics will complete a research methods sequence in mathematics. Students also will teach undergraduate courses to receive training in pedagogy. Graduates will be qualified for tenure-track professor positions at both national and...

Business Analytics (CERT)

The Business Analytics Certificate provides students with a foundation in business analytics. The aim of the certificate is to satisfy the large and rapidly increasing demand in the marketplace for data-driven decision making in business. Students will learn how to understand, apply and exploit data analytics techniques in business decisions and strategy creation.

Chemistry (MS)

A Master of Science in Chemistry prepares students for careers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, food and power industries. A master’s degree in Chemistry may also serve as a useful step toward professions such as medicine, pharmacy, industrial hygiene, patent law, or toward more advanced study in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and other scientific and engineering disciplines.

Chemistry and Nanoscale Science (Ph.D.)

The Chemistry and Nanoscale Science Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary program that addresses the development, manipulation, and use of materials and devices on the scale of roughly 1-100 nanometers in length, and the study of phenomena that occur on this size scale. The program prepares students to become scholarly, practicing scientists who possess the critical thinking, methodological and communication skills required to advance and disseminate knowledge of fundamental and applied nanoscale science.

Child and Family Studies: Early Childhood Education (Birth - Kindergarten) (MAT)

Become the teacher you have always wanted to be and earn a master’s degree in the process. UNC Charlotte's Master of Arts in Teaching programs allow students to become a self-reflective master teacher, in addition to developing advanced competencies as a teacher-researcher and a teacher-leader. Please note the CHFD program is alternating the Child and Family Studies: Early Education (Birth – Kindergarten), M.A.T. and the M.Ed. in Special Education and Child Development: Child and Family Studies Concentration programs.