STEM Designated

Electrical and Computer Engineering (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering provides advanced knowledge and research experience in a chosen area of electrical and computer engineering. Successful doctoral candidates learn how to acquire advanced knowledge from published research articles, identify research problems, formulate plausible approaches to solve them, analyze and evaluate proposed solutions, and present technical material orally and in writing.

Engineering Management (MS)

The Master of Science in Engineering Management prepares professionals for careers in managing projects, programs, systems, and organizations. Industrial, research, consulting, and commercial firms now demand engineering managers with both cutting-edge technical competence and the management skills necessary to forge linkages with the systems and business sides of these organizations. The program of study is multidisciplinary, combining elements of advanced study in various engineering disciplines with studies in business, system operations and organizational behavior. Through a flexible curriculum and concentrations, the program enables concentration areas such as Energy Systems, Lean Six Sigma, Logistics and Supply Chains, and Systems Analytics.

Fire Protection & Safety Management (MS)

The Master of Science in Fire Protection & Safety Management?(FPSM) program is a 30-credit-hour program that includes a 15-credit hour core, with the remaining 15 credits chosen from a list of elective courses. A capstone experience is also required, which may consist of a 6-credit hour graduate research thesis or a comprehensive exam at the conclusion of studies.??Courses cover a range of topics including Human Behavior in Fire, Fire Protection Systems, Building Codes, Risk Management, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, Environmental Pollution Control and Safety Management.

Health Informatics and Analytics (MS)

The UNC Charlotte Health Informatics and Analytics Program develops practitioners who bridge data sciences and analytics in support of optimal population health. It leverages its position within the university’s new School of Data Science and capitalizes on the strength of its parent colleges, Health and Human Services and Computing and Informatics, to prepare national and international students to advance the professional practice of health informatics through a thorough grounding in data science, system architecture, and health analytics. We provide qualified and motivated students from a variety of disciplines, levels of experience, and backgrounds – with a special emphasis on individuals and groups historically underrepresented in graduate education – the knowledge, skills, and abilities to become exemplary practitioners of and advocates for health informatics.

Information Technology (MS)

The Master of Science in Information Technology is designed to equip students with advanced skills and knowledge in the planning, design, implementation, testing and evaluation, deployment, maintenance and management of applications and systems that embody information and communication technologies for their proper functioning. These skills form necessary foundations for solving practical problems that arise in business, industrial, governmental and other organizations, as well as for pursuing doctoral studies in information technologies. Current areas of concentration include: Advanced Data and Knowledge Discovery, Design, Emerging Technologies, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Security and Privacy, Information Technology Management, Software Systems Design and Engineering, and Web Development.

Infrastructure and Environmental Systems (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Infrastructure and Environmental Systems (INES) is an interdisciplinary program emphasizing innovations in design, analysis, construction and operation of civil, energy and environmental infrastructure and the scientific analysis of environmental systems. The interdisciplinary program also involves the development and sustainable use of renewable resources and the protection of our earth and its environmental systems. The interplay between the environment and infrastructure is thoroughly studied by students as they confront the challenges facing urbanizing regions.

Learning, Design, and Technology (MED)

The Master of Education in Learning, Design and Technology (LDT) is designed for those who wish to hold instructional design and technology positions in the areas of K-12, higher education, corporate, government, military training and/or human performance improvement. The program offers three concentrations: School Specialist, Training and Development and Online Teaching and Learning. The program develops professionals who are grounded in learning, design and technology foundations, principles, theories, applications and current trends. This program provides opportunities for students to integrate various forms of technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences. The program is mapped onto standards from AECT, ISTE and NCDPI. The program is 100% online.

Mathematical Finance (MS)

UNC Charlotte’s Master of Science in Mathematical Finance is nationally ranked in the top 25 by both The Financial Engineer and QuantNet. The Mathematical Finance program is a recognized STEM program housed in the Belk College of Business, which prepares students to pursue interesting careers in finance developing in-depth skills in mathematics, finance and economics. Financial institutions, investment banks and commodities firms rely heavily on professionals with these skills to develop sophisticated mathematical models to identify, measure and manage risk. The Belk College of Business is accredited by AACSB International and is located in the second largest financial center in the U.S., providing students a world-class education with unique networking opportunities. Students in the Mathematical Finance Program engage in an integrated curriculum and select a concentration to tailor the program to their specific interests.

Mathematics (applied) (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. degree program in Applied Mathematics is designed to enable students to master a significant body of mathematics, including a specialty in applied mathematics; relate this knowledge to a coherent area of science or engineering; and to carry on fundamental research in applied mathematics at a nationally competitive level. Recipients of this degree will, according to their abilities and choice of sub-specialty, be able to work effectively in a research and development environment involving mathematical or statistical analysis and modeling in business, government or industry; teach mathematics at the college or university level; or carry on fundamental research in their area of specialty.

Mathematics (MS)

The Master of Science in Mathematics is organized into four concentrations: General Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics and Mathematics Education. The Concentration in General Mathematics is a robust but flexible program that allows a student to develop a broad background in Mathematics ranging over a variety of courses chosen from both pure and applied areas, or to tailor a program toward a particular focus that may not be as closely covered by the department's other degree concentrations (e.g., one that is interdisciplinary in nature). The Concentration in Applied Mathematics develops analytical and computational skills focused toward applications of mathematics in the physical sciences as encountered in industry, government and academia. The Concentration in Applied Statistics provides theoretical understanding of, and training in, statistical analysis and methods applicable to particular areas of business, industry, government and academia. The Concentration in Mathematics Education is designed primarily for secondary school mathematics teachers interested in professional growth in mathematics teaching. Emphasis in this program is given to developing depth and breadth in mathematics teaching and learning, appropriate to the role of the secondary school teacher.